At LEAN HR we help employers find the right employees for their organization. But we go beyond that. LEAN HR brings people together in communities. Communities in which there’s room for meaningful conversations, real depth and personalized advice. This way, we create a strong bond between employer and employee. Together, we realize career steps that matter.

With the LEAN Community your organization not only leverages its existing network to attract and hire talent, but also to retain them. Our comprehensive onboarding, employment conditions check, and interim evaluations help you understand exactly who works for you and what motivates them. Stay connected with your employees through online platforms, professional and local networks, and the LEAN Academy. Strong relationships guaranteed.

Are you looking for qualified candidates for your company? Leverage the carefully built communities of LEAN HR now and benefit from faster recruitment, higher-quality candidates, and an improved candidate experience.
Through personal contact within our communities, we truly get to know your candidates. We strive for sustainable placements and diligently maintain our communities. We regularly send newsletters, conduct labor market competition analyses, and host open-hire days. With your community, you are always connected to interesting candidates, and your employer brand remains strong. This increases the likelihood of success for both our candidates and your company.

At LEAN HR, we believe that recruitment is a dynamic process. We build communities around companies and sectors, where we continuously recruit, select, and delve deeper. Your LEAN talent community consists of individuals who are interested and whom we have already gotten to know. Through our extensive target group analysis and recruitment campaigns, your talent pool enables us to quickly identify and approach qualified candidates. This way, we can swiftly connect you with the right person.
Move with us. Join our community.
With a LEAN Community, you leverage your existing network to attract, hire and retain talent. Stay connected through online platforms, professional networks and local communities. Invest in a LEAN Community to stay top-of-mind with candidates while maximizing your potential. Strong relationships guaranteed.